Install McAfee to a Window 7PC from another device

If you are facing some issues while installing McAfee to a window 7PC then must go through this article once. Here, you will get the simple steps for installing the McAfee to a window 7PC from another device. In case of any issues, you are supposed to reach on McAfee Customer Service Number instantly.

Step 1:

For the primary computer;

·         You need to first of all, move to

·         After doing so, you need to then move to my account option.

·         Next, you are supposed to then give a tap on sign in option.

·         You are supposed to then write the email address and password for McAfee in the given field.

·         Finally, you are required to then move to login option.

Step 2:

For sending the download link to the secondary computer;

·         You need to first of all, move your mouse to my account option.

·         After that, you are suggested to then give a click on subscriptions option.

·         Next, you are required to then go to add devices option that is next to the product that you need to install.

·         After that, you are required to then choose the windows or Mac device type.

·         After doing so, you need to then give a click on send link and then give the proper details in the given field.

·         Finally, you are supposed to then move to send email option and give a tap there.

Step 3:

·         You need to first of all, open the email application properly.

·         After doing so, you need to then open the email from McAfee.

·         You are supposed to then move to download link in the email option.

·         Next, you are required to then complete the installation process by following the prompts.

Thus, after following the above steps, you can easily able to install McAfee to window 7PC from another device. If still, you need some help then you are supposed to then contact on McAfee Help Number right away.


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